Dementia, a word often shrouded in fear and misunderstanding, affects millions worldwide. But for many, navigating the complexities of this condition is further hampered by inaccurate beliefs. Let's debunk 6 common misconceptions about dementia, opening the door to a more informed and compassionate understanding: 1. Dementia is just forgetfulness While memory loss is a symptom, dementia encompasses a broader range of cognitive decline, impacting reasoning, problem-solving, and communication. It's not simply forgetting where you put your keys, but a gradual change in how you interact with the world. 2. People with dementia are a danger to themselves and others. This harmful stereotype is rarely true. While some individuals with more advanced stages may require additional support , the vast majority pose no threat. In fact, they often experience increased vulnerability and deserve our care and protection. 3. There's no hope for a good life with dementia. This i...